ElsaYX.com is a perfect place to find any butt plugs. Simple, standard butt plug with a tail, curves, or even vibration, anal vibrators, training kits, anal beads, douches, lube & numbing gel at cheaper price with good quality.

Tapered Jeweled Stainless Steel Butt PlugTapered Jeweled Stainless Steel Butt Plug
This is not an ordinary butt plug. If you're used to seeing the regular teardrop-shaped ones, then prepare...
Extra Large Bulb-shaped Jeweled Metal Butt PlugExtra Large Bulb-shaped Jeweled Metal Butt Plug
You have to pack a lot of courage if you want to use this plug because it is...
You have to pack a lot of courage if you want to use this plug because it is...
Large Purple Heart Shaped Anal Beads with a Pull RingLarge Purple Heart Shaped Anal Beads with a Pull Ring
Made of high-quality body safe TPE materials that easily bends with your body and is smooth enough for...
Two Balls Stainless Steel Anal HookTwo Balls Stainless Steel Anal Hook
This anal hook comes with two balls to enhance the experience. It is designed for more intense pleasurable...
5 Heads Stylish Metal Butt Plug5 Heads Stylish Metal Butt Plug
This is a stylish butt plug with 5 beads, it is a wonderful anal sex tool crafted for...
Compact Hollow Stainless Steel Butt PlugCompact Hollow Stainless Steel Butt Plug
This tunnel butt plug is a hollow one that opens the backdoor to a realm of new possibilities....
3 Size Compact Stainless Steel Butt Plug3 Size Compact Stainless Steel Butt Plug
This tunnel butt plug is a hollow one that opens the backdoor to a realm of new possibilities....
Large Compact Stainless Steel Butt PlugLarge Compact Stainless Steel Butt Plug
This tunnel butt plug is a hollow one that opens the backdoor to a realm of new possibilities....
Compact Stainless Steel Butt PlugCompact Stainless Steel Butt Plug
It has a smooth circular head with a flat top which anal enthusiasts would love. The flared base...
Tunel Silicone Anual Plug, S, M, LTunel Silicone Anual Plug, S, M, L
This tunnel butt plug is a hollow one that opens the backdoor to a realm of new possibilities....
Silicone Traning Butt Plug, S, M, LSilicone Traning Butt Plug, S, M, L
This anchor base handle and tapered shaped plug is perfect for those just beginning their anal play love...